To determine the amount of water content to be added to the cement to get standard normal consistency.
Cement Test
Cement Initial And Final Setting Time Test
Initial setting time is when the paste starts hardening and final setting time is when it is
sufficiently hardened tested using Vicat apparatus.
Cement Test
Cement Specific Gravity Test
It is the ratio between weight of a given volume of the cement to the weight of equal volume of water using lechateliers flask.
Cement Test
Cement Compressive Strength Test
The compressive strength is calculated by dividing the maximum load applied to the cross sectional area.
Cement Test
Cement Soundness Test By Le-Chatelier Method
It determines the expansion of cement after it starts setting.
It indicates the stability of cement during any volume change in the process of setting and hardening.
Cement Test
Cement Fineness Test By Blaines Method
Blaine’s air permeability apparatus is used to find the fineness of the cement/ fly ash by measuring the specific surface area
Cement Test
Cement Fineness Test By Sieve Method
The fineness test if done by sieving cement through standard IS sieves and percentage of the retained cement sample is calculated.
Cement Test
Cement Chemical Properties Test
Lime saturation factor, Alumina modulus, % insoluble residue,, % magnesia, % sulfuric anhydride, % chloride, % loss of ignition are
calculated in this test.